First Time?
Learn about the conference and discounts for first-time as well as returning families

Become a CCA
Our Child Care Assistants help with the Children’s Program in the morning, receive discounted quality Christ-centered programming, and provide quality, FREE childcare until 11 pm each night.

2025 Conference Info
We are so excited about our 2025 conference and look forward to another summer of quality adult speakers and musicians, and top notch youth programming. Both weeks are filling up quickly; register soon to reserve your spot!

Northern Pines T-Shirt Design Contest!
Do you have an idea for a new Northern Pines T-Shirt? Recognition and a small prize will be awarded at this summer's conference for the winning submission.
- Everyone in the Northern Pines family can participate.
- Designs can be digitally created or hand drawn.
- You can submit multiple designs per person and/or family.
- You're not required to use the provided template, but please include all of the information listed on the form in the submitted file (not just in the email).
- Send design submissions to connect@npines.org or PO Box 750 Lakeville, MN 55044.
- Design Submissions are due April 25, 2025.
The Power of CCAs
You can be a huge part of helping Northern Pines be the amazing place it is: Invite more CCAs!
The unique model of Northern Pines works because of our Child Care Assistants Program (CCA). Adults have time in the mornings and evenings with other adults because vetted teenagers and their support staff are taking care of the children.
For every new CCA that you recruit, who applies and is accepted, you will receive a $100 credit to use on your account or gift to someone else's account, or a $40 credit for the Northern Pines bookstore. Limitations apply.
Please prayerfully consider the teenagers in your community and invite them to serve at Northern Pines as a CCA. Email Courtney Pierce with any questions.
Be Part of a Worship Team!
We are now putting together our Northern Pines Worship Teams for 2025 week 1. Austin Renfroe will be providing leadership for our teams this year. If you are interested in being a part of the team, please email worship@npines.org with the following information:
Cell Number
Week Attending
Worship Skill Set (vocals, instruments, etc)
Link to Video (Youtube, Vimeo, etc) of you performing with this skill set in a worship team or other setting
We will follow up with everyone who contacts us as we put the teams together for both weeks. We have a limited number of spots available.

A Vacation with a Purpose
Northern Pines is the premier non-denominational Christ-centered family conference in the Midwest. Started in 1974 to provide a life-changing vacation experience for families, we have helped thousands of conferees see the difference Jesus can make in their lives and their homes.
Over 1000 people come together each summer to learn from inspiring speakers and musicians and to enjoy the dynamic and caring children, youth, and young adult programs that are offered. They truly do experience “A Vacation with a Purpose!”.
Join us for our 2025 Conference
Join us in beautiful Green Lake, WI for our 2025 Northern Pines conference!
Inspiration for Every Age
Stay In the Loop
We may send occasional emails to announce upcoming conferences, etc.
We will never share or abuse your email address.