Our goal is to make a week-long Northern Pines experience affordable for all families. We offer several discounts and scholarships that we'd love to discuss further with you!

Generation 2 Generation

For the past two years we’ve experienced an amazing opportunity for families.  Starting with “Project Generations,” then continuing with “Generations Next,” Northern Pines has made a life-impacting, multi-generation family experience more affordable than ever for families to enjoy.  This now continues with our ongoing program “Generation 2 Generation.”  For the foreseeable future, multi-generation families can continue to come to Northern Pines together to play, rest, and grow together with amazing discounts for great-grandparents.

Then we your people, the sheep of your pasture, will praise you forever; from Generation to Generation we will recount your praise.

Psalm 79:13

Through the generosity of an anonymous donor, great-grandparents who come with four generations come for free!

To qualify for this incentive, registrations for the entire family must be submitted and deposits paid by January 1. Great-grandparents will be offered this discount each year they qualify. While the intention of this gift is to be an ongoing incentive, Northern Pines reserves the right to change or discontinue this program at any time.

Families (18)
gen2gen transp

CCA Credit

For every new CCA that you recruit, who applies and is accepted, you will receive a $100 credit to use on your account or gift to someone else's account, or a $40 credit for the Northern Pines bookstore. Limitations apply.

The more CCAs you recruit the more credits you can earn! If you've already paid your registration in full, you can apply the credit to someone else's account or choose the bookstore credit.

Please prayerfully consider the teenagers in your community and invite them to serve at Northern Pines as a CCA. Email Courtney Pierce with any questions.

New CCA Credit Rules

  • Returning CCAs or previous campers do not qualify. The credit-earning year must be the invited CCA's first time at Northern Pines.
  • Limit of three credits per family per year. Up to $300 registration credit or $120 store credit. Store credit for Northern Pines merchandise only.
  • To receive the credit, the CCA applicant must put your name in the "Why you want to be a part of Northern Pines" section of their application.


We have several levels of scholarships that we are excited to offer including the Green Lake Conference Center Scholarship, Northern Pines Financial Aid, and Additional Scholarships.

Green Lake Conference Center Scholarships

Green Lake Conference Center has graciously extended Northern Pines conferees the opportunity to receive financial aid through special scholarship endowment funds. 

  • Adults staying in hotels may apply for a $100 scholarship.
  • Adults staying in cabins or lodges may apply for a $50 scholarship.
  • Junior High & Senior High youth may apply for a $100 scholarship.

We are very grateful to the Green Lake Conference Center for this program to help make a Northern Pines Family Vacation possible for those who sincerely need financial assistance. (Please note: scholarships are not available to those staying at the campsite.)

**The deadline to apply for the Green Lake Scholarship and Northern Pines Financial Aid is June 1**


Northern Pines Financial Aid

Northern Pines also has scholarship funds that have been donated to further help families/individuals attend our conferences. Those desiring more information about these scholarships should apply online.

A member of our scholarship committee will contact you with further details.


Additional Scholarships

We are able to extend additional scholarships for:

  1. Members of the military
  2. Full-time ministry professionals*
  3. Conferees with special needs
  4. Those who have been or have had family members incarcerated*

*Can only be used one time; conferee's first year attending Northern Pines.


Full-time Ministry Professionals*

Northern Pines understands the strain that full-time ministry can place on an individual and on a family. We want to support those in these positions by providing a week at Northern Pines for them to relax, refill, and be encouraged by the body of believers.
Each year, a limited number of one-time, non-recurring scholarships are available for pastors (full-time, licensed or ordained) and parachurch professionals (of ECFA organizations). These scholarships are available on a first-come, first-served basis and cover the costs of Northern Pines for one adult per family. Apply online.
*Can only be used one time; conferee's first year attending Northern Pines.


Conferees with Special Needs

We know that sometimes a week away from the comforts and routine of home can be difficult, especially for those with special needs. Northern Pines wants to help make a week's vacation away possible for as many people as possible. We have scholarships available to help fund an additional staff member to help aid a conferee that may need individual attention. This scholarship is available for conferees of any age. Please apply online or call our office at (612) 861-5100.


Incarcerated Family Members*

A gracious donor has provided a scholarship to fund a week at Northern Pines for a family each summer that has a family member that either is or has previously been incarcerated. Please apply online or call our office at (612) 861-5100.
*Can only be used one time; conferee's first year attending Northern Pines.