Serve with a Purpose!
Staff and volunteers are a crucial component to the unique age-based programming of Northern Pines. CCAs, Teachers, Counselors, and more; Northern Pines looks for engaging and motivated youth and adults to serve in these crucial positions each conference week.
Please prayerfully consider serving both weeks or the week opposite you're attending with your family! Your service is crucial to the spiritual, emotional, and physical experience of each week's conferees.
Position descriptions are provided below. Applications can be manually printed, completed, and mailed to our office, or they can be digitally filled out using Adobe Reader, saved, and emailed (see application for further detail). If you would like to email our reference form to your references, please download the digital reference form below. References may also be digitally filled out using Adobe Reader, saved, and emailed (address provided on form).
Youth Service Opportunities:

Child Care Assistant (CCA)
CCAs are students entering 8th grade and above and recent high-school graduates. CCAs serve in the mornings and evenings with the Children’s Program, and develop friendships and memories with other CCAs during their service time, specialized programming and staff, and free time.
CCAs currently do not require a registration fee and do not receive an honorarium for their service. CCAs can also sign up to babysit during their free-time for $10/ half-hour. For service obligations, each week as a CCA qualifies as 30 service hours.
— Experienced 7th graders and college students may also apply —

Wilderness Cabin Leader
Cabin Leaders are students entering 10th grade and above and recent high-school graduates—between the ages of 15-18 years. Each Cabin Leader is responsible for a small group (5–8) of 4th–6th grade girls or boys. Cabin Leaders stay with their 'tribe' and work closely with the Wilderness Director and Assistant Director to create a fun environment for the kids each day. Cabin Leaders spend the full day with the students—including free time. Each day is full of games, Biblical teaching, songs, activities, and a whole lot of fun. In the evenings—after the students are in bed—Cabin Leaders and Wilderness staff have some downtime together, reflecting on the day, bonding as a team, and participating in a small group Bible.
Cabin Leaders do not require a registration fee and do not receive an honorarium for their service.
Young Adult Service Opportunities:

Wilderness Staff
Each week's Wilderness staff includes a male and female counselor in a variety of roles. These leaders are motivated young adults who have graduated high school. They lead the Trail Talks each morning with the boys or girls (respectively) leading the students in an engaging lesson followed by some fun games and activities. Counselors also lead the Cabin Leaders and are available as support staff for the Cabin Leaders to come to with any questions or concerns. They work closely with the Wilderness director and assistant helping with leadership and preparation throughout the week.
Wilderness staff receive a weekly honorarium.

Junior High Counselor
Junior High Counselors are young adults who have completed 1 year of college or are at least 20 years of age. They are committed to building relationships with their students and encouraging them through the challenging junior high years—7th–9th grade. Fun loving energy and a compassionate heart make a great Junior High Counselor; the ability to relate and care about junior high students is a must. Junior High staff share rooms with the students in their small group, eat their meals together, and participate in various physical games and activities together. After time of worship and Biblical study as a larger group, Junior High Counselors lead discussions with their small group of 6–10 students.
Junior High staff receive a weekly honorarium.

Senior High Counselor
Senior High Counselors are young adults who have completed 1 year of college or are at least 20 years of age. They are young adults with a desire to share their life experiences and passion for Godly living with high-school students. Senior High staff share rooms with the students in their small group, eat their meals together, and participate in various physical games and activities together. After time of worship and Biblical study as a larger group, Senior High Counselors facilitate engaging and challenging discussions with their small group of 6–10 students.
Senior High staff receive a weekly honorarium.

CCA Counselor
CCA Counselors are young adults who have completed 1 year of college or are at least 20 years of age—previous CCA experience is a plus. CCA counselors are energetic and responsible young adults that are excited to help serve the children and CCAs at Northern Pines. CCA counselors help with the morning programming with both the children's program and CCA Bible study. They are available throughout the week to connect with CCAs and build relationships with them. Each evening as CCAs watch after their assigned family's children, the CCA counselors are responsible for a group of CCAs (based on location) and are available should any issues or questions arise. CCA staff share rooms with CCAs, eat their meals together, and participate in various activities together.
CCA staff receive a weekly honorarium.

Youth Worship Leader/Musicians
The Youth Worship Leader and band musicians are young adults who have completed 1 year of college or are at least 20 years of age. They have a passion for bringing Junior and Senior high students into the presence of God through worship. The band provides authentic, high-energy worship sets for the Junior and Senior High programs each day. The Leader is responsible for worship planning, rehearsal coordination, and band leadership. During the week, the team will also have the opportunity to join the Junior and Senior High programs to participate in their programming and engage with the students.
Worship Leader and band musicians receive a weekly honorarium.
Adult and Young Adult Service Opportunities:

Children's Teacher
Caring for infants and toddlers or teaching a specific age group of children 3 to 8 years of age is a fun way to get involved at Northern Pines. Depending on class size, there may be 2 teachers in a classroom. CCAs also provide support and help in classrooms. Time commitment involves personal preparation as well as three hours of morning teaching. Afternoons and evenings are free, enabling teachers to attend the adult evening sessions.
Teachers receive a weekly honorarium and are invited to participate in the evening portion of the Adult Program.

Transition Weekend Chaperones
Are you interested in a way to serve the Northern Pines family without staying an extra week? Each year we six adult chaperones for our Transition Weekend. These adults will rotate around campus on Saturday and Sunday between the two weeks. These chaperones are a crucial part of Northern Pines, enabling our youth to camp one week and serve as CCAs the other week. Couples often choose to serve together, but individuals are also welcome. First- or second-week conferees can apply!
Please email if you are interested in serving or have any questions about this role.

Worship Team
Some years we use our Northern Pines Worship Teams. Austin Renfroe provides leadership for the team. If you are interested in being a part of the team, please email with the following information:
Name, Email, Cell Number, Week Attending, Worship Skill Set (vocals, instruments, etc), Link to Video (Youtube, Vimeo, etc.) of you performing with this skill set in a worship team or other setting
We will follow up with everyone who contacts us as we put the teams together for both weeks. We have a limited number of spots available.

Audio/Visual Tech
Our A/V Tech is responsible for mixing the worship and speaking portions of each session, recording each talk for future use, and fulfilling any other audio/visual needs throughout the week. Will be involved in set up or takedown of equipment depending on the week.
The A/V Tech will receive a full scholarship for the week(s) attending.

Men’s Work Retreat
Each spring, we will hold our annual Northern Pines Work Retreat. This has rapidly become one of the favorite events for many of our men as we gather together for a weekend to work, eat, and fellowship. It is an essential component of our relationship with Green Lake Conference Center and has helped transform our Wilderness and CCA program facilities.
Whether you have lots of experience and construction skills or are just willing to pitch in wherever you can, we have a place for you. We'll work hard, laugh a lot, eat well, and make our kids' experiences at Northern Pines even better. There is no cost to participate—your food and lodging is covered!

Additional Volunteer Opportunities
The success of Northern Pines and Green Lake Conference Center are interconnected. There are several ways you can serve Northern Pines through GLCC’s established volunteer program.
Contact Rebecca Reeves for Northern-Pines-Specific Volunteer Opportunities