“One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.” Psalm 145:4
The Northern Pines Psalm 145 Legacy Fund will continue to make our conferences accessible and affordable long into the future. Northern Pines provides a unique multi-generational family confernce for children, youth, and adults to deepen their relationships with Jesus Christ. Building the endowment fund will provide stability and resources for the future, helping ensure the sustainability of the conference for the next generation and beyond.
Use of Funds:
As an endowment, the Legacy Fund will provide a sustained source of revenue for the annual conferences. The managed fund will retain the investment principal with distributions from the earnings contributing to funding our conferences each year.
Money generated by the endowment goes directly to conference expenses. It will not cover our annual operating overhead. By continuing to invest directly in the summer program, we will be able to make the Northern Pines experience less expensive for all. For example, depending on the size of the fund, Psalm 145 contributions could pay for speaker travel and honoraria, provide special program support, or help make registration more affordable for a specific group of people. The Legacy Fund will help to plan strategically for the future, helping to keep Northern Pines affordable and accessible for generations to come.
Management of Funds:
The Legacy Fund will be a professionally managed endowment with oversight by the newly established Investment Committee. Consisting of Life Board members, Board members, and members with investing expertise, the committee will ensure the investments work for us and remains secure into the future. The committee anticipates a minimum annual payout of 5% of the three-year trailing average of the fund.
Goals for the Fund:
A $500,000 goal will ensure a meaningful annual distribution to offset summer conference expenses. We currently have over $100,000 in our endowment fund toward this objective. Additional principal beyond the initial goal will generate more funds to offset conference expenses. Northern Pines will begin to draw down on the fund when it reaches $500,000 or for the 2026 Conference, whichever comes first. Contributions of all sizes are welcome as a way to build into the future of Northern Pines. If you have further questions, please contact us at information@npines.org or call us at 612-861-5100

Would you help make the Psalm 145 Legacy Fund a reality, impacting new generations of families for years to come?
- Give online on our donation page. You will have a choice to select the General Fund or the Psalm 145 Legacy Fund as you finalize your gift.
- To donate by check, please indicate Psalm 145 Legacy Fund on the memo line and mail to:
Northern Pines
PO Box 750
Lakeville MN 55044 - To donate with appreciated stock, securities, or other assets, email us at information@npines.org.
- To include the Psalm 145 Legacy Fund in your estate planning, talk to your financial planner or contact our development team. We have financial professionals who can help you with your planned gift or estate planning.