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2020 Returning Staff // Digital Reference PDF Form
Northern Pines looks for engaging and motivated youth and adults to fill our open positions each year. There are positions available during both weeks.
Position descriptions are provided below. Applications can be manually printed, completed, and mailed to our office, or they can be digitally filled out using Adobe Reader, saved, and emailed (see application for further detail). If you would like to email our reference form to your references, please download the digital reference form on the right. References may also be digitally filled out using Adobe Reader, saved, and emailed (address provided on form).
Children’s Teacher

Caring for infants and toddlers or teaching a specific age group of children 3 to 8 years of age is a fun way to get involved at Northern Pines. Depending on class size, there may be 2 teachers in a classroom. CCAs also provide support and help in classrooms. Time commitment involves personal preparation as well as three hours of morning teaching. Afternoons and evenings are free, enabling teachers to attend the adult evening sessions.
Teachers attend Northern Pines free of charge and receive a weekly honorarium.Download PDF Application
Cabin Leader

Cabin Leaders are responsible for a small group (5-8) of 4th – 6th grade girls or boys. Cabin Leaders stay with their ‘tribe’ and work closely with the Wilderness Director and Assistant Director to create a fun environment for the kids each day. Cabin Leaders spend time with the students from the minute they wake up until they fall onto their pillows exhausted each night. Each day is full of games, Biblical teaching, songs, activities, and a whole lot of fun. After the children are in bed, cabin leaders are also encouraged and grow through small group Bible studies each night. Cabin Leaders are between the ages of 15-18 years.
Cabin Leaders do not receive a weekly honorarium, but are not responsible to pay to attend Northern Pines for the week.Download PDF Application
Wilderness Counselor

Each week’s Wilderness staff includes a male and female counselor in a variety of roles. They lead the Trail Talks each morning with the boys or girls (respectively) leading the students in an engaging lesson followed by some fun games and activities. Counselors also lead the Cabin Leaders and are available as support staff for the Cabin Leaders to come to with any questions or concerns. Counselors are motivated young adults who have graduated high school. They work closely with the Wilderness director and assistant helping with leadership and preparation throughout the week.
Wilderness Counselors receive a weekly honorarium.Download PDF Application
Child Care Assistant (CCA)

CCAs are a critical and unique component to a week at Northern Pines. During the morning, each CCA spends half of their time working with their assigned Children’s Teacher, assisting them with the children and activities throughout the morning. During the other half of the morning, CCAs also engage in a time of growth and encouragement each morning through a group Bible study lead by the CCA directors.
During the afternoon, CCAs are free to enjoy the beach, explore the campus, visit the craft cabin, or simply be with friends. CCAs may also volunteer to assist families that desire to have afternoon child care. For that time, CCAs are financial compensated for those babysitting services.
Each evening throughout the week, each CCA is responsible to watch the children of the individual family they are assigned to while the parents enjoy the evening activites.
CCAs are girls and boys at least 13 years of age and/or entering 8th grade. Experienced 7th graders may also apply. We also provide an opportunity for college age girls to serve as CCAs. The college CCA program will have separate housing, staffing, and programming as well as the opportunity to mentor younger CCAs. There is a minimal cost to attend Northern Pines for the week as a CCA (see application for details).
Interested in staying at Northern Pines for 2 weeks? Many of our CCAs spend one week as campers in their respective programs and then the opposite week serving as a CCA. It’s a great way to have fun with friends and experience Northern Pines for an additional week! Students staying for a second week stay together on campus between weeks. There is staff specific to those staying in between weeks to help oversee their activities and help them get laundry done, etc. The weekend is really low key as most kids sleep for much of the time. They also enjoy relaxing by the beach and spending time with friends. There is an all staff Sunday morning service and meals available throughout the weekend.
Those choosing to stay for a 2nd week will receive $50 off registration fees – and if you register by April 1st, you’ll receive an additional $10 off!
Interested in staying for 2 weeks, but unsure how you’ll get to/from Northern Pines? For those joining us from the Twin Cities area, we have buses that will transport students at the beginning and end of the Conferences.
Read more about our CCA program on our programs page. Please contact us additional information on the weekend overnight and the bus services from the Twin Cities.Download PDF ApplicationPrevious CCA Application